Paradyn/Condor Week
Paradyn Demonstrations
NB: All demos subject to change/availability!
Demonstrations of Paradyn, concentrating on support for heterogenous applications
and the new Performance Consultant hybrid search strategy.
Paradyn running an MPI application on
a heterogeneous network of workstations (x86-linux + sparc-solaris
+ x86-solaris)
Philip Roth, Victor Zandy
Room 6351
Hybrid strategy for the automated search
for bottlenecks
Platform-specific demos:
RS6000/AIX version on a 16-node IBM SP3
running the MPI-based OM application
MIPS/Irix version on a multi-node SGI
Origin running the MPI-based OM application
Will Benton and Jeff Shergalis
Room 6358
TBD Demonstration showing how the thread-aware
Paradyn can provide detailed performance information for a multithreaded application, based on run-time instrumentation
of Solaris threads on an UltraSPARC II
Brandon Schendel
Room 6366
TBD x86/Linux version on a truly portable 8-node cluster of
Pentium III laptops running the MPI-based OM application
Running the DyninstAPI on a Windows CE device
Reliable Sockets
Reliable sockets (rocks) protect applications from
network connections failures, including those due to disconnection, IP
address change, or process migration. Rocks are transparent, portable,
and easy to use, requiring no application, OS, or network modifications,
and no special user privileges. We will demonstrate rocks on several
ordinary applications.
KernInst is a framework for dynamically instrumenting the operating
system kernel. We demonstrate two applications based on this framework:
a kernel performance monitor and a code coverage tool.
Monitoring kernel performance of a 16-way UltraSparc
multiprocessor with Kperfmon
Alex Mirgorodskii
Room 6372
Kernel code coverage: Dynamically instrument all basic blocks of the kernel to determine which regions of code are never executed. Display percentage of source code coverage.
Nilofer Motiwala
Room 6372